River of Doubt (Rio da Dúvida)
Directing, screenplay and production

Joel Pizzini
Director and co-writer
Filmmaker, researcher, author of internationally award-winning documentary essays such as “Caramujo-Flor” (1988), “Enigma de Um Dia” (1996)”Glauces” (2001) and “Dormant” (2006). Joel Pizzini was awarded with the feature film “500 Almas” (2004) and “Anabazys” (2009), in addition to the official selection at the Venice Film Festival, the Best Picture, Sound, Cinematography, Special Jury, Assembly awards at the Festivals of Rio, Mar Del Plata and Brasilia.
In television, at the invitation of Canal Brasil, he directed the documentaries “Um Homem Só” (2001), “Elogio da Luz” (2003), “Retrato da Terra” (2004), “Helena Zero” (2006), among others. Advisor to the Audiovisual School of Fortaleza, Professor at PUC- RJ (postgraduate course in Communication) and at the Faculty of Arts of Paraná, Pizzini was a resident artist at Unicamp do Arsenal/Fórum da Berlinale, working on the “Living Archive” project.
He also works as curator for the restoration of the work of director Glauber Rocha. Researcher of new languages, participated in the project “Arte Cidade” and the Bienal de São Paulo, Mercosul with video galleries and directing performances. Director of “Elogio da Graça” (best short-movie at the Grand Prize of Brazilian Cinema) and “Mr. Sganzerla“, winner of the festival É Tudo Verdade (2010) and the HBRFF in Los Angeles. He recently directed the essay film “Olho Nú” (about singer Ney Matogrosso), co-produced by Canal Brasil and Paloma Cinematográfica, awarded best movie at the Festival In-Edit and FestCine South America, also officially selected for Doc Lisboa, the festivals of Havana, Guadalajara and FIPA (Biarritz). He recently directed the short-film “Último Trem” in Super 8, exhibited at the Festival Internacional de Curta-Metragem in São Paulo and created the exibition “Ruído no Branco” at the Iberê Camargo Foundation in Porto Alegre (RS), on the occasion of the centenary of the painter. With “Mar de Fogo“, a experimental short-film, he was selected to join the official competition of Berlinale (2015).
In April of 2016, he had his films presented in a special program of the Cinemateca Francesa within a retrospective of brazilian cinema. In Paris, he also exhibited “Olho Nu” and “Mar de Fogo“, in April, at Cine L’Arlequin, at the Brazilian Film Festival. Currently, Pizzini coordinates the “Núcleo Criativo” project approved by the Ancine’s Fundo Setorial that provides for the development of five screenplays and pilots for television series.

Mário César Cabral Marques
Screenwriter, researcher and producer
Critically acclaimed works, published in the cultural sections of the newspapers Jornal do Brasil and Tribuna da Imprensa; Vozes culture magazine and Civilização Brasileira magazine: “Dependência da Sociologia”; ”O paradoxo Maneirista”; “Lírico e libertário”; “Ordem e Progresso”; “Primeiro o prazer”; “A ficção da consciência”; “O princípio do prazer”; “A fantástica realidade”; “A estrutura da narrativa”; “Reencontro com Mitavaí”; “Da tragédia ao Maneirismo”; “A evolução de Ascenso”; “Um ilustre desconhecido”; “O conto mofado”; “A conspiração da linguagem”; “O estilo renovado”; “Zadig: análise da narrativa”; “Lírica modernista e percurso literário brasileiro”. “Rio da Dúvida – o centenário de uma epopeia”. “Rio da Dúvida – o embate de personalidades” (published version).
Lectures: “O Humanismo – da proposição unificadora de Maquiavel ao processo da colonização brasileira” at the V Congresso Norte-Fluminense de Língua e Literatura do Estado do Rio de Janeiro – Itaperuna – RJ. A “evolução da crítica literária no Brasil” at the III Encontro de professores de Literatura do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. Escola Normal Nossa Senhora Auxiliadora. RJ. “Rondon, o marechal da paz” in the Estágio for journalists working in conflict areas. Sergio Vieira de Mello/CCOPAB Cultural Space. RJ. “Rondon: Indians and Borders” at the II Seminário de História Militar da Amazônia Brasileira. Universidade Federal do Amazonas (UFAM) / Comando Militar da Amazônia (CMA) – Manaus – AM. “Rondon, the Marshal of Peace” in the Estágio da Escola Superior de Guerra (ESG) – Espaço Cultural Sergio Vieira de Mello/CCOPAB –RJ. “Rondon and the Brazilian Amazon” at the commemoration of the 151st anniversary of Marechal Rondon at the Espaço Cultural SergioVieira de Mello/CCOPAB – RJ.
Researcher, creator and writer of the exhibitions produced by Memória Civelli Culturais: “Exposição Nosso herói Rondon” – Centro Cultural Casablanca – RJ; Memorial dos Povos Indígenas – Brasília –“Exposição Um homem chamado Rondon“ – National Archive – RJ. “Exposição Um homem chamado Rondon“ – ALCOPAZ – Associação Latino-Americana de Centros deTreinamento para Operações de Paz (ONU) – Centro Conjunto de Operações de Paz do Brasil – CCOPAB –RJ. “Exposição Esporte, desenvolvimento e paz” – V Jogos Mundiais Militares – Espaço Cultural Sergio Vieira de Mello/CCOPAB – RJ. “Exposição Rondon, o Marechal da Paz” – Espaço Cultural Sergio Vieira de Mello/CCOPAB – RJ. “Exposição Missões de Paz” – Espaço Cultural Sergio Vieira de Mello/CCOPAB – RJ. “Memorial Rondon” – Memorial Indígena – Porto Velho – Rondônia. Co-author of the catalogs for the exhibits “Rondon”, published by Funarte – RJ.
Projects, research and screenwriting: Editor of the restoration projects of the following films by Mario and Carla Civelli, which are part of the collection of Memória Civelli: “Modelo19”; “Uma vida para dois”; “O craque”; “O homem dos papagaios”; “Fatalidade”; “O destino em apuros”; “A sogra”; “o grande desconhecido”; “Rastros na selva”; “Bruma seca”; “O caso dos irmãos Naves”; ”O gigante”; “É um caso de polícia!”. Editor for the film and TV projects about Marshal Rondon. Researcher, creator of the screenplay and screenwriter of the miniseries in 20 chapters for TV about the life of Marshal Rondon. Screenwriter of the series of programs No compasso do IME”, on TV Universitária, about Marshal Rondon. Screenwriter of the documentary “Rondon, o Marechal da Paz” – Museu das Comunicações da OI Futuro – RJ. Screenwriter and writer of the documentary “Peacekeeper” – TV Casablanca – SP.

Luís Abramo
Director of Cinematography
Director of cinematography of more than 30 feature films, Luís Abramo has a degree in Design from the Escola de Belas Artes of University of Rio de Janeiro. Award for best cinematography at the Festival de Cinema de Recife (2014) with the feature film “Romance Policial”, for best cinematography at the Festival de Cinema de Gramado (2010) with the feature film “Não se pode Viver sem Amor“; best Feature Film Cinematography for the film “Fronteiras” at the Festival do Paraná de Cinema Latino e Brasileiro, among others.
He co-directed the series “Gente Awa” and the documentaries “Korubo – uma etnia entre Fronteiras“ and “Abrindo o Armário“. He also participates as a screenwriter for the project of development of a screenplay for the fiction feature film awarded by the Edital da Riofilmes (2014), “Rio Luanda“.

Patricia Civelli
Producer and Curator
Director of the collections of Carla, Mário and Pola Civelli
Director of Memória Civelli Produções Culturais.
Producer and director for the restoration of the films: “O gigante” (1968), by Mário Civelli; “É um caso de Polícia” (1959) by Carla Civelli; “O homem dos papagaios“ (1953) production. Multifilms / Mário Civelli; “O caso dos irmãos Naves“ (1967), directed by Luís Sérgio Person, production Mário Civelli/ Lauper Filmes.
Producer and director for the restorations of photos and documents for the Rondon Commission (1880-1958); of the Acervo Carla Civelli (early 20th century); and of the photos of Manaus (1901-1902), by J.A. Fidanza.
Director of the short-films “Nosso herói Rondon“; “Caminhos do Rio”; and “Cabine Telefônica“ for the Museu de Telecomunicações da Oi.
Producer and curator for the 9 cine-photo-biographical displays about Marechal Rondon: “Nosso Herói Rondon” (2002), Centro Cultural Casablanca (Rio) e Memorial dos Povos Indígenas (Brasília); “Um homem chamado Rondon” (2010), Arquivo Nacional e Centro Conjunto de Operações de Paz do Brasil (Rio); “Rondon – o Marechal da Paz“ (2011); “Esporte, desenvolvimento e paz“ (2011) and “Missões de paz“ (2013), Espaço Cultural Sergio Vieira de Mello/CCOPAB (Rio); permanent exhibition “Rondon, Marechal da Paz“, mounted at the Memorial Rondon in Porto Velho (2015).
Producer of the book “Rio da Dúvida, centenário de uma epopeia“ (2014), by Mário Cesar Cabral Marques.
Producer of the film “Rio da Dúvida” by Joel Pizzini, produced by Memória Civelli / Barra Filmes, finished May, 2023.
Producer of the TV series “Rio da Dúvida”, directed by Joel Pizzini – in production.
Producer of the documentary “É só querer!”“, directed by Luís Abramo, production Luba Filmes/ Memória Civelli, in pre-production.

Claudio Petraglia
Museologist, graduated in Law with a post degree in business administration at the Fundação Getulio Vargas. Piano study with Maria dos Anjos Oliveira Rocha, Tomas Teran, Schnabel and Walter Gieseking. Composition and Regency with Hans Joachim Koellreuter at Escola Livre de música/SP. He studied in Television and Film at Boston University, he worked on Televisão Paulista Canal 5, OVC – 63 shows and in the soap operas “O Pintor e a Florista“, Tv Excelsior and “O Mestiço” of Tv Tupi.
Musical direction of plays such as “Escola de Maridos” at Teatro de Arena, “Interesses Criados” at teatro Brasileiro de Comedia SP, “Feiticeiras de Salém”, “Doce Pássaro da Juventude”, “A Megera Domada“ in PTC, “Hair” – Altair Lima Produções, “Um Sargento de Milícias” para Teatro do Sesi.
Composer and Music Director of “Oh que Delícia e Guerra”, “A Moreninha” , “Missa Leiga”, Henfil Magazine, “Último Dia de Aracelli“, “Tom Payne and Lulu”. Screenwriter of “Vou te Contá” – Mario Audrá Produções, screenwriter and producer of “O Vigilante Rodoviário”, first Brazilian television film series. IBF by Alfredo Palacios and Ary Fernandes, Assistant director of “The Gentle Rain” via Balaban Production USA,Accade in Brasile -CIC, 12 films for TV Tarzan and the jungle Boy – Banner Prod.
Composer of film tracks of “Três histórias de Amor” by Camilo Sampaio, “Herança sangrenta” and “A Moreninha” in the direction of Glauco m Laurelli, São Paulo Anonymous Society – Ls Person. Dubbing Director of Odil Fonobrasil/SP, Founder and Cultural Advisor of Padre Anchieta Foundation, TV Cultura/SP, Executive Producer of Sesame Street (132 programs 0 for TV Cultura and Tv Globo, Artistic Director of Bandeirantes/SP television, General Director of TV Bandeirantes/RJ. Founder and President of Polo Rio Cine, Video – Centro de Produção e estúdios/RJ.
Awarded by the Moliére Award – Air France, Associações de Críticos Teatrais /SP, Governador de São Paulo Saci – Jornal Estado de São Paulo, Coruja de Ouro – INC, several awards for TV shows, Benemérito da Casa dos Artistas/RJ, Distinctions – Associação Comercial/RJ, de Entidades de Benemerência e Movimentos Sociais, Rainha Carolina da Itália Medal.

Júlia Moraes
Executive Producer
He studied cinema at UFF (Universidade Federal de Cinema do Rio de Janeiro), where he can develop a way of producing that combines experimentation and artistic quality with technical excellence and viability of production. Having acted in short, documentary, commercial and feature films, with directors of different styles and forms of production, he developed a knowledge that allowed him to act in all stages of audiovisual realization.
Productions: “Big Jato” (Assistant Director and Associate Producer), “Perdidas Ilusões“ and “RRepública Pureza”, “Muitos Homens Num Só” (Executive Producer). “O Fim e os Meios“ (Executive Producer). “Febre do Rato” (Producer and Assistant Director), “Francisco Brennand” (Production Director), “Malu de Bicicleta” (Production Director), “São Luís Dorme Ao Som dos tambores“ (Producer), “Eu vou De volta“ (Producer), “Devoção“ (Producer), “Baixio das Bestas“ (Produtora and Ass. “Um passo a Frente e você não está mais no mesmo lugar“, “Soldado de Deus” (Producer), “Conceição- Ou Autor Bom é Autor Morto“ (Production Director)
As Assistant Director: “Árido Movie“, “1972”, “Amarelo Manga“, “Paulinho da Viola“, “Meu Tempo é Hoje”, “Viva São João”, “Língua- Vidas em Portuguese”, “Marina”. Technical Analysis for the films “Pode Crer“ by Arthur Fontes, “Gavião“ by Geraldo Sarno, “Nome Próprio“ by Murilo Salles in 2004 and 2005.

Juliana Domingos
Executive Producer
Graduated in Social Sciences with specialization in Production and Cultural Policy from Cândido Mendes University, in Rio de Janeiro. Specialized in production assistant at the International Film Academy – AIC – RJ. She was the creator and general coordinator of the Implementation of the Cinema Room – Eduardo Coutinho, in 2009, at Retiro dos Artistas.
In 2010, she was invited by the Audiovisual Superintendent of the State of Rio de Janeiro, Julia Levy, to integrate and manage the non-commercial exhibition circuit (cineclubs) of the CINEMA PARA TODOS program, an initiative of the State Government of Rio de Janeiro, through the partnership between the Secretary of State for Culture (SEC) and the Secretary of State for Education (SEEDUC), being an action of Rio Audiovisual – Audiovisual Industry Development Program of the State of Rio de Janeiro. Also in the program, he was manager of service to the film market with the network of exhibitionors and distributors of cinema in Brazil.
Productions: “Callado“, a Brazilian, by Emília Silveira (Producer/Post-production), “Silêncio no Estúdio“, by Emília Silveira (Producer/Assistant post-production), “Galeria F“, 2016, by Emília Silveira (Producer/Assistant Post-production), the latter selected for the Brazilian competitive feature film show of the International Documentary Festival – É Tudo Verdade 2016 and Festival do Rio – Prèmiere Brasil – Mostra Retratos Falados – 2016, SOS Mulheres ao Mar 2, by Cris D’amato (First art assistant), Conversinha Mineira, Jorge Monclar (Production Assistant), and producer in the series in co-production with Canal Brasil “Histórias de um Tempo de Guerra”, the paintings “Tá no Quadro” and “Expedição Água” for the program “Como Será?” of TV Globo.
In the broadcast part, she was the producer of the release of the film “Made in China” by Estevão Ciavatta.