Rio de Janeiro – Photos: Bárbara Bergamaschi and Patricia Civelli.
Luís Abramo (cinematographer) with steadycam.Joel Pizzini (director) in the scenario mounted on a hollow of the Indigenous Museum, Botafogo neighborhood, Rio de Janeiro.Maria Ignez, Maria Cecilia and Elizabeth Rondon Amarante with the indigenous fulni-ô ethnicgroup (guide of the Indian Museum) and Mário César Cabral.The producer Maria Flor on the set, mounted on a hollow.Fernando Hargreaves (art director) in the assembly of a scenario.Filming at the Indigenous Museum of Rio de Janeiro. Rondon’s granddaughter, Elizabeth Rondon Amarante and, in the background, Fernando Hargreaves (art director) and Carlos Augusto da Rocha Freire (Indian Museum).Elizabeth, Maria Cecilia and Maria Ignez Rondon Amarante, granddaughters of Marshal Rondon.Patrícia Civelli (producer), Rodrigo Piquet (Indigenous Museum), Mário César Cabral (screenwriter) and José Carlos Levinho (director of the Museu do Índio-RJ) in a break from filming.Scenography formed with benches in the shape of animals, sculpted by Indigenous people of various ethnicities of the Xingu National Park.Footage from the scene shows Rondon’s granddaughters arriving at the Indigenous Museum.Barbara Bergamaschi (assistant director) in scenario assembly.At the Indian Museum, Mário César Cabral (screenwriter), Carlos Augusto da Rocha Freire (Indigenous Museum) and Victor Canthé (production assistant).Mário César Cabral in the hollow-mounted scenario.Scenario mounted in the Indigenous Museum, having in the background projection of film about Marshal Rondon.Bust of Marechal Rondon at the Indigenous Museum -RJ.Rondon’s granddaughters watching the projection of the grandfather’s image.Joel Pizzini directing Rondon’s granddaughters to a scene from the film “River of Doubt” (Rio da Dúvida)