River of DoubtMário César Cabral (screenwriter and producer) in the River of Doubt, Espigão do Oeste, Rondônia.Producer Jander Moro riding a flight in the River of Doubt.Juliana Domingos (executive producer) in the River of Doubt.Mário César Cabral in the rapids of Navaité, Espigão do Oeste, Rondônia.Navaité rapids in the Doubt River, West Spike, Rondônia.Mário César Cabral and producer FlorisvaldoFernando Hargreaves (art director), Joel Pizzini (director), actors Rodolfo Vaz (Rondon) and Xando Graça (Theodore Roosevelt)Expeditionaries (extras actors) in the River of Doubt.Fernando Hargreaves as “Kermit Roosevelt”Fernando Hargreaves as “Kermit”Rondon (actor Rodolfo Vaz) in the River of Doubt.Rondon, with the theodolith, in the river of Doubt.Mário César Cabral in the rapids of Navaité, River of Doubt, Espigão do Oeste, Rondônia.Film crew, Carlos and Lucas, on the rocky wall of NavaitéNavaité Rapids, Doubt River, West Spike, Rondônia.Rocky wall of the rapids of the Navaité.Film crew on the rocky seawall of the Strait of NavaitéScene with Rondon (actor Rodolfo Vaz) and Theodore Roosevelt (actor Xando Graça) in the River of Doubt.Film crew (Gabbo and Luiz Abramo) in scene making in the River of Doubt.Indian Cinta LargaJorge Pinheiro (art/costume producer) preparing Jander Moro (Roosevelt stuntman)Scene taking in the river of Doubt.Cinta Larga Indigenous peopleCinta Larga indigenous personCinta Larga indigenous personFilm crew (Luis Abramo and Carlos), direct sound (Heron), director (Joel Pizzini), fireman (Jefferson) and producer (Florisvaldo) in the River of Doubt.Filming in the River of Doubt.Scene with Roosevelt, Rondon and rowers down the River of Doubt.Maria Flor (assistant director) in preparation of scenery on an islet in the River of Doubt.Luís Abramo, cinematographerCarlos Baptista, 1st. camera assistantCelsão (producer/plateau) and Luís Abramo (cinematographer)Juliana Domingos (executive producer)Production team putting the heavy canoe in the river of Doubt.Drying of costumes.Mário César Cabral (producer/screenwriter) and Fernando Hargreaves (art director) in the assembly of a scenographic camp at Quebra Canoas WaterfallIn the scenographic camp, the American and Brazilian flagsColonel RondonMário César Cabral (producer/screenwriter) with Jander Moro (producer)Florisvaldo (producer), Adailton (fireman) and Júlio OlivarRowers (extras actors) facing the rapids of the River of Doubt.The Celsão plateau and cameraman Gabbo in scene shot at Quebra Canoas waterfallScene with an extra in camp on the bank of the River of Doubt.Actor Xando Graça with Cinta Larga indigenous girl.Cinta Larga indigenous girl.Cinta Larga indigenous girl.Executive producer Juliana Domingos with the film crew: Lucas, Gabbo and Carlos, in Roosevelt VillageChief Marcelo from the Cinta Larga people.Mayor Newton Caetano, aldermen of Espigão do Oeste with chiefs and warriors of the Cinta Larga ethnicity of Roosevelt Village.Warriors of the Cinta Larga ethnicity of the Roosevelt Villages and Lieutenant Marques, Espigão do Oeste, Rondônia.Photographer Alice Kohler and producer Jander Moro on a fly in the River of Doubt.Cerration in the field, West Spike, Rondônia.The celsão plateau, producer and screenwriter Mário César, photographer Alice Kohler and an expeditionary actor at Quebra Canoas waterfall, Dúvida River, West Espigão, Rondônia.Makeup artist Helena “preparing” actor Rodolfo Vaz for filmingProducer/screenwriter Mário César Cabral, Federal Prosecutor of Rondônia Reginaldo Trindade and photographer Alice Kohler, in Roosevelt VillageDaniel Pereira, governor of Rondônia, with the screenwriter/producer, Mário César Cabral, in the filming of Rio da Dúvida in Espigão do Oeste, RO.