About the movie
Roosevelt Scientific Expedition- Rondon

Now, in 2016, when more than 1 century after the beginning of the Roosevelt-Rondon Scientific Expedition (1913-1914), Barra Filmes, Grupo Casablanca and Memória Civelli, which has the unrestricted support of Rondon's grandchildren, thanks to the sponsorships of Caixa, Vale, Transpetro and Termo Norte Energia begin production of the feature film documentary or "adventure-document" "Rio da Dúvida".
The central focus of the film is the Roosevelt-Rondon Scientific Expedition (1913-1914) on the exploration of the River of Doubt, whose course was totally unknown. And the main characters are a mysterious river in the interior of the Amazon Forest; a Colonel of the Brazilian Army who fights for the indigenous cause and advances exploring the unexplored Midwest and North regions to deploy the telegraph, our first telecommunications system; a former American president who won the Nobel Peace Prize but who aspires to be recognized as a great pathfinder; a young lieutenant who, by recording the images of Rondon's expeditions and the customs of the indigenous peoples, becomes one of the pioneers of national cinematography. The guiding thread of the narrative is constituted by retcoming the route of the expedition that crossed regions of the Pantanal, Cerrado and Amazon Forest.

The narrative, in rhythm of adventure, adopting a "telegraphic" style and suggesting a hypothetical diary of this epic, shows the hard-workings that Rondon, Roosevelt and his companions went through. Also the shocks and clashes provoked by the personalities and worldviews so disparate of these two great leaders.
The film will be given an operistic dimension, through a montage combining by scenes lived by actors with original images of the time (early twentieth century), many still unpublished, carried out by Lieutenant Luiz Thomaz Reis-the "cameraman of Rondon" and other pioneers of cinema and that are part of the collections of Memória Civelli, gathered during 35 years of research by filmmaker Mario Civelli, who received from Rondon himself a letter authorizing her to film the life of the Marshal of Peace; National Archives; Indian Museum; American Museum of Natural History of New York and Library of the American Senate with plans of strong sensory sense of the nature of the Amazon Forest.
The soundtrack, having as reference the operistic language of Villa-Lobos, incorporates, as a counterpoint, the songs of birds and the roar of the jaguar; the sound of the machete and boots opening tracks in the jungle; the roar of storms and rapids; the ritm sound of the omters of the canoeters.